Fútbol universitario masculino en tiempos de COVID-19
Normalmente la temporada colegial de fútbol universitario en Estados Unidos inicia en agosto y finaliza unos días antes de navidad. La pandemia del COVID-19 ha afectado directamente los eventos deportivos en todo el mundo y el deporte universitario no ha sido una excepción.
Existen diferentes entes que regulan el deporte universitario y cada uno de ellos ha tomado decisiones con respecto a sus temporadas en el 2020 :
NAIA : Ha dado la potestad a las diferentes conferencias para que tomen una decisión con respecto a la competición. Varias conferencias han decidido competir. El campeonato nacional (playoffs) se jugará en mayo del 2021.
JU CO : Ha suspendido la temporada del 2020 y ha trasladado la competición para el próximo semestre, que inicia en enero.
NCAA DII y DIII : Ambas organizaciones han suspendido la temporada del 2020 y han trasladado la competición para el próximo semestre, que inicia en enero.
NCAA DI : La NCAA tiene 24 conferencias, la gran mayoría ha suspendido la temporada del 2020 y trasladaron la competición para el próximo semestre. El campeonato nacional (playoffs) iniciará a finales de abril del 2021. Sin embargo algunas conferencias si van a competir este año y estas son :
- Sun Belt
La mayoría de programas de fútbol universitario reactivará sus temporadas regulares a partir del segundo semestre académico en Estados Unidos, que va desde enero hasta mayo. A pesar de las adversidades, los programas deportivos siguen reclutando estudiantes internacionales!
Normally the college football season in the United States begins in August and ends a few days before Christmas. The COVID-19 pandemic has directly affected sporting events around the world, and college sports have been no exception.
There are different entities that regulate university sports and each of them has made decisions regarding their seasons in 2020 :
NAIA: It has given the power to the different conferences to make a decision regarding the competition. Several conferences have decided to compete. The national championship (playoffs) will be played in May 2021.
JU CO: The 2020 season has been suspended and the competition has been moved to the next semester, which begins in January.
NCAA DII and DIII: Both organizations have suspended the 2020 season and have moved the competition to the next semester, which begins in January.
NCAA DI : The NCAA has 24 conferences, the vast majority have suspended the 2020 season and moved the competition to the next semester. The national championship (playoffs) will start at the end of April 2021. However, some conferences will compete this year and these are:
- Sun Belt
Most college soccer programs will reactivate their regular seasons starting in the second academic semester in the United States , which runs from January to May. Despite the odds, sports programs continue to recruit international students!

September 28, 2020